
Building pipeline tools in the past - at least for me - involved dealing with Qt. Qt’s slogan is One framework. One codebase. Any platform., but …

Documenting Your Code

There is an official specification on how you should format your docstrings, called PEP 0257. Many people don’t strictly follow this format and use a format that is supported by documentation generation tools like Doxygen, Epydoc, and Sphinx. Formats include...

Classes and Object Oriented Programming

Python is an object-oriented language. It supports all the usual functionality of such languages such as classes, inheritance, and polymorphism. If you are not familiar with object-oriented programming (or scripting), it basically means it is easy to create modular, reusable...

Hash Tables: Ice Cream Parlor

Each time Sunny and Johnny take a trip to the Ice Cream Parlor, they pool their money to buy ice cream. On any given day, the parlor offers a line of flavors. Each flavor has a cost associated with it....